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Tips to Avoid Binge Eating and PIGLET by Lottie Hazell

Cover of the book PIGLET by Lottie Hazel used to teach coping skills to avoid binge eating.

Piglet’s life rotated around food.


She was known amongst her family of origin as the person who would eat any leftover foods, sometimes amounts much larger than others would consume. Piglet’s job was editing cookbooks. Through this work, she cultivated exceptional chef skills, which she applied in her home life to create beautiful dinner parties for friends and family.


Piglet and her fiancé, Kit, had curated a seemingly picture-perfect life. They were only two short weeks away from the altar when Kit came clean to Piglet about a terrible betrayal, leading Piglet to question their relationship. She was overwhelmed, confused, hurt, angry – and lacked healthy coping skills to deal with the mounting stressors associated with potentially calling off her impending wedding. In her despair, Piglet turned to food, consuming exceptionally large quantities in secret, hoping that feeling physically stuffed would help her feel emotionally better.


Piglet was binge eating.


Binge eating occurs when a person eats a substantially large amount and experiences a loss of control over what they consume. These episodes are frequently characterized by eating quickly until uncomfortably full. People who are binging generally eat alone and feel guilt, shame, embarrassment, disgust, and sadness after eating and about their relationship with food.  


Here are some tips to avoid binge eating:


Avoid Eating Roller Coasters: Eat enough to fulfill your hunger every few hours (start when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full). Restricting until you are very hungry leads to binging.


Identify Trends: When you experience emotional flooding, journal about what caused you to feel overwhelmed. Note the people, places, relationships, and stressors that precede binges.


Plan Ahead for Triggering Situations: Plan ways to minimize the emotional drain, list specific positive coping skills, and organize support (friends and family) who can help you.


Work with a Team: People who experience binge eating are helped by working with eating disorder-trained dietitians, therapists, and psychiatrists who will operate as a treatment team.

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